eSchool for Parents
Parents Mobile App is available beside the Web Portal to keep a parent connected with School for better communication & updates regarding their children.
- Notifications
- Children Profiles, request changes
- Attendance & Leaves, request Leave
- Timetable
- Daily Homework
- Notices & Alerts
- Fee Vouchers
- Exam Results
- Blog

eSchool for Teachers
Teachers App is also available for performing the non-academic tasks more efficiently.
- Teacher Profile, request changes
- Attendance & Leaves, request Leave
- Timetable
- Subjects Homework Entry
- Mark Attendance of Classes Assigned
- Marks Entry of Assigned Subjects

eSchool for Admins
eSchool App for Administration and Management will provide the key stats summary on the go and one will be able to perform important actions whenever needed.
- Key Stats like daily Attendance, Fee Collection, etc
- Send Notifications
- Send SMS
- Manage Admin Accounts